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So far bint has created 51 blog posts.

Microarchitecture in COAIB workshop

Microarquitectura participates in the COAIB (Col·legi Oficial d'Arquitectes Illes Balears) conference dedicated to kiosks organized by Decopolis. In this conference, which took place last Thursday, we were able to share experiences with top-level professionals in the sector, check the news it offers us and discuss the future [...]

Microarchitecture in COAIB workshop2018-04-12T13:11:43+02:00

In operation the 45m marquee at the Madrid-Barajas airport

The UTOPIA Microarchitecture - Team Tejbrant model has been chosen for the new Madrid-Barajas airport bus stop with 45 linear marquee meters. Installed at the end of the year, this marquee responds to the needs of the airport to improve service to its users through [...]

In operation the 45m marquee at the Madrid-Barajas airport2018-04-12T13:11:48+02:00

Netplex + SuperNetplex

NETPLEX + SUPER NETPLEX PROJECT PHOTOS GALLERY PRESENTATION INTRODUCTION TO OUR NETPLEX + SUPER NETPLEX PRODUCT Request information Netplex® is a multi-level interconnected cable network designed to challenge children between 5 and 12 years of age to [...]

Netplex + SuperNetplex2021-03-31T12:44:25+02:00

Rob Roy Natura

MODELS DISCOVER ALL OUR ROB ROY NATURA MODELS, WOODEN PLAYGROUNDS PRESENTATION INTRODUCTION TO OUR ROB ROY NATURA PRODUCT Request information Rob Roy Natura is a versatile system of natural-looking wooden playgrounds. The systems have [...]

Rob Roy Natura2024-01-26T14:08:53+01:00


MODELS DISCOVER ALL OUR MODELS ARAKNEA PRESENTATION INTRODUCTION TO OUR PRODUCT ARAKNEA Request information Araknea is a line of modular rope climbers, manufactured with resistant materials. The sets are made up of climbing nets and ropes stretched between the space, with many alternatives [...]



MODELS DISCOVER ALL OUR GEMO MODELS PRESENTATION INTRODUCTION TO OUR GEMO PRODUCT Request information Gemo are stylized climbing rocks, made of fiberglass, with a surface that imitates sandstone. The surface of these is equipped with dams of [...]



GALLERY PHOTOS OF PROJECTS ZIPKROOZ PRESENTATION INTRODUCTION TO OUR PRODUCT ZIPKROOZ Request information The ZipKrooz ™ fixed trolley zip line for children between 5 and 12 years of age and its inclusive design allows all children, whatever their level [...]


Opened The Style Outlets Viladecans

Opened the new THE STYLE OUTLETS in VILADECANS with a playground for children of Microarchitecture | Landscape Structures. Designed for its location, the playground features a continuous rubber floor, several independent games and a custom structure emulating a dragon.

Opened The Style Outlets Viladecans2018-04-12T13:11:52+02:00

New playground at the Hospital Sant Joan de Deu

We present the newly opened children's playground of the Port Aventura Foundation in the central square of the Sant Joan de Deu Hospital in Barcelona. The park, designed and installed by Microarchitecture | Landscape Structures, recreates areas of the theme park with a personalized design of inclusive games for participation and [...]

New playground at the Hospital Sant Joan de Deu2018-04-12T13:11:52+02:00

Opened the Adolfo Suárez Park in Majadahonda, Madrid

Microarquitectura installs in the recently inaugurated Adolfo Suárez de Majadahonda Park, inclusive children's play structures adapted for children with functional diversity: · SmartPlay, for children from 2 to 5 years old, · Evos, for children from 5 to 12 years old, and · Weevos , for children from 2 to 5 [...]

Opened the Adolfo Suárez Park in Majadahonda, Madrid2018-04-12T13:11:52+02:00

Microarchitecture wins the competition to equip the beaches of Castelló d'Empúries.

Microarchitecture provides the Empuriabrava beach with 3 modules: · a module of adapted toilets, · a first aid and first aid module and · a sports services kiosk. The washbasin modules include three simple cabins and one adapted for people with disabilities. The module of [...]

Microarchitecture wins the competition to equip the beaches of Castelló d'Empúries.2018-04-12T13:11:52+02:00

Modular platforms for bar terraces on Marina Street

The occupation of the public space of the terraces of the bars are a typical focus of discussion. The City Council of Barcelona through the municipal company BIMSA, is studying various options, among which is a specific plan for the environment of the Temple of the Sagrada Familia, [...]

Modular platforms for bar terraces on Marina Street2018-04-12T13:11:52+02:00

Towards the integral and intelligent management of the beaches of the Metropolitan Area of ​​Barcelona.

The lifeguard modules, with a total useful surface area of ​​10,85 m2, consist of two spaces: the first is the entrance, the toilet and a small warehouse; in the second, everything related to health care is. The outer covering of red ceramic mosaic [...]

Towards the integral and intelligent management of the beaches of the Metropolitan Area of ​​Barcelona.2018-04-12T13:11:52+02:00

The new Rivo Rubeo park is inaugurated, in Can Serrafossà

The City Council inaugurated last Friday the new Rivo Rubeo park, located next to the school that bears the same name, in the Can Serrafossà urbanization. The park is divided into two distinct zones. The first one has placed a multi-activity children's game intended [...]

The new Rivo Rubeo park is inaugurated, in Can Serrafossà2018-04-12T13:11:52+02:00

New outdoor «Workout Park» in Santa Maria de Palautordera

Santa Maria de Palautordera now has a "Workout Park" space, that is an outdoor sports training area, located in Pau Casals Park. The City Council of Santa Maria de Palautordera has installed, on one side of the garden area, two parallel bar devices, [...]

New outdoor «Workout Park» in Santa Maria de Palautordera2018-04-12T13:11:52+02:00

Netplex ™ the new continuous game of Landscape Structures and Microarchitecture

The new collection of continuous play Netplex ™ from Landscape Structures distributed in Spain and France by Microarquitectura SL, is a network of multi-level interconnected cables designed to challenge children between 5 and 12 years to freely climb it. The new member of the PlayBooster® family, Netplex ™, [...]

Netplex ™ the new continuous game of Landscape Structures and Microarchitecture2018-04-12T13:11:52+02:00

Microarchitecture installs the first single-track fixed line zip line in Spain

Microarquitectura installs the first ZipKrooz ™ single-lane zip line in Spain in the Joan Barnils park in Sant Cugat del Vallès. The inclusive design of the ZipKrooz ™ zip line allows all children between the ages of 5 and 12, whatever their ability and developmental level, to fly [...]

Microarchitecture installs the first single-track fixed line zip line in Spain2018-04-12T13:11:52+02:00

Chiringuitos to eat in Barcelona

The chiringuito La Deliciosa in front of the beaches and the sea of ​​Barcelona, ​​offers pleasant gastronomic meals on these warm and sunny days of autumn. La Deliciosa is a Havana kiosk built and designed by microarchitecture. Its "vintage" look gives it a touch of imagination and good taste in keeping with the [...]

Chiringuitos to eat in Barcelona2018-04-12T13:11:52+02:00

The Govern finalizes the redevelopment of the Plaza Sanllehy in Barcelona affected by the L9

View of the Sanllehy square in Barcelona, ​​affected by the stopped works of the L9, after the redevelopment demanded by the residents. Twitter / @santivila The redevelopment works around the Plaza Sanllehy in Barcelona have been completed by the Department of Territory and Sustainability of the Generalitat within the framework of the works [...]

The Govern finalizes the redevelopment of the Plaza Sanllehy in Barcelona affected by the L92018-04-12T13:11:52+02:00

The beach Las Teresitas in Santa Cruz de Tenerife is prepared for this summer against graffiti.

Work began on the installation of the changing rooms for Las Teresitas beach in Sanata Cruz de Tenerife. The toilets and changing rooms have an anti-graffiti treatment and were designed with a translucent strip on the ceiling to take advantage of the sunlight. The adapted toilet has a [...]

The beach Las Teresitas in Santa Cruz de Tenerife is prepared for this summer against graffiti.2018-04-12T13:11:52+02:00

The city of Geneva opens a new call for applications to use "Les Barcelonnettes" for 4 more years.

The city of Geneva has launched the procedure for the call for applications to use the seven Havana kiosks selling ice cream and souvenirs around the port of Lake Léman. The city council has already published announcements in the press for those interested who have time until [...]

The city of Geneva opens a new call for applications to use "Les Barcelonnettes" for 4 more years.2018-04-12T13:11:52+02:00
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