bar | coffee | ice creams

PRESENTATION INTRODUCTION TO OUR PRODUCT KIOSCO BAR Request information Urbadis Micro is the manufacturer of the Havana model bar kiosks. It is a kiosk with or without a pergola, conceived as a service point on beaches, parks or large urban spaces. The criteria have been to achieve a design [...]

bar | coffee | ice creams2020-11-24T10:14:34+01:00

information | control | sale

PRESENTATION INTRODUCTION TO OUR PRODUCT INFORMATION, SALE AND CONTROL KIOSK Request information Urbadis Micro is the manufacturer of information, sale and control kiosks, model Habana. It is a kiosk with or without a pergola, conceived as a service point on beaches, parks or large [...]

information | control | sale2020-11-24T10:15:09+01:00

toilets | changing rooms | showers

PRESENTATION INTRODUCTION TO OUR PRODUCT TOILET KIOSK Request information Urbadis Micro is the manufacturer of Havana model toilet kiosks. It is a kiosk with or without a pergola, conceived as a service point on beaches, parks or large urban spaces. The criteria have been to achieve [...]

toilets | changing rooms | showers2024-07-30T10:42:20+02:00

rescue | first aid

PRESENTATION INTRODUCTION TO OUR PRODUCT SALVATION KIOSK Request information Urbadis Micro is the manufacturer of the Havana model salvage kiosks. It is a kiosk with or without a pergola, conceived as a service point on beaches and tourist areas. The criteria have been to achieve a design [...]

rescue | first aid2020-11-24T10:16:08+01:00

warehouse | others

PRESENTATION INTRODUCTION TO OUR PRODUCT WAREHOUSE KIOSK Request information Urbadis Micro is the manufacturer of Havana model warehouse kiosks. It is a kiosk with or without a pergola, conceived as a service point on beaches, parks or large urban spaces. The criteria have been to achieve [...]

warehouse | others2020-11-24T10:16:32+01:00
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