SENSORY PLAY CENTER ™, a new children's game inclusive of sensory stimulation
Landscape Structures since its inception with accessibility in playgrounds has been for more than 20 years with the incorporation of ramps and adapted elements in their game structures. In the last decade, it has launched the children's games Evos and Weevos, 100% accessible game structures, designed and designed to play at a single level, without barriers, thus enabling the integration of all children in the game without discrimination by abilities physical
In the 2010, fruit of its involvement and continuous search to find solutions to real needs, has developed the SENSORY PLAY CENTER ™, a children's game inclusive of sensory stimulation.
Currently, studies on education and child development reflect an alarming increase in cases of children with autism and other types of emotional disturbances mainly related to learning.
Landscape Structures get with this new game to respond to this need to have a child games enriching in the sensory aspect, able to create new and different experiences that provide the necessary level of stimulation and social interaction for children with difficulties to process and interact with sensory experiences.