Project Description

Corten steel pergola in Saint Laurent du Var, France

Date:  March 2022
Location:  Saint Laurent du Var, France
Products:  Special pergola in corten steel
Brands:  Urbadis Micro
Author  NEMIS Paysagistes – Urbanists
Client:  Mairie de la Ville de Saint Laurent du Var

For the requalification of the Saint Laurent de Var Waterfront, the city council commissioned the project to Némis landscape-urban planners. Within the project, one of the most important parts was the construction of a large and characteristic pergola, to be built in corten steel. The contest was won by URBADIS microarquitectura, which together with the architects, was in charge of defining the details and the subsequent construction and installation.
On this occasion, it is a structure built entirely of corten steel, based on circular pillars that serve as support for a modular roof, which adapts to an undulating path through the union of concave and convex modules that allow turns with certain radii. This cover gives the necessary shade to a sinuous line of benches, which in turn protects and divides the parterre from the pedestrian promenade facing the beach.
The set is of great beauty, forceful but subtle, with an elegance that is reinforced by a pattern of shadows inspired by plant nature, achieved by laser cutting a beautiful pattern in the sheets of the corten steel cover. The "naturalness" of this plot and of the very use of corten steel, while still contrasting, integrates and enriches the promenade.
In short, it has been a very special, singular and unique job, at the height of an environment that deserves it.