Inauguration of 5 areas of play, stimulating, durable, vandal-proof and sustainable from Landscape Structures.

The 5 are opening new children's areas of
microarchitecture | Landscape Structures in the Barcelona municipality of Premià de Mar. Each of them has been designed especially for the place where it was located, trying to take on the wide variety of activities and sensory stimuli that children need to develop their abilities.

More traditional structures, such as Plaça Nova or Joan Font, are opposed to other more novel design sets, such as the continuous game systems Evos (5-12 years) and Weevos (2-5 years) by Mercé Rodoreda and Doctor Ferrán or the curved and challenging shapes of the climber Mobius, in the Plaza de la Palmera. The areas are composed of accessible and highly inclusive game combinations. In them there are activities suitable for children with different abilities.

All the materials used in the Landscape Structures games are of very high quality, with the best guarantee of the market, reaching the 100 years for the metallic components. For this reason, the degree of sustainability of the areas, is not only limited to the use of recycled and recyclable materials, but is also based on the great durability offered by all its components, extending its life cycle to the maximum. In addition, thanks to the "Global Releaf" program, the necessary trees have been planted to compensate the amount of CO2 emitted in the manufacture of the games in these areas.

Microarchitecture distributes children's games, elements of outdoor exercise, fitness and skateboarding of the Landscape Structures brand in Spain and Portugal.