Microarchitecture presents the new structure of children's game Vibe

The Vibe play structure design is a revision of the classic Playbooster from Landscape structures. With its triangular shapes, its new materials, textures and colors, the Playbooster image is renewed to adapt to contemporary environments. The geometry of the new top trim gives it a singular and unique look.

Vibe also has a series of new components to climb and move from one platform to another and with new sensory panels, which stimulate children to develop their sensory abilities while playing.

The color palette of Landscape Structures children's games is now much wider, which allows a large number of chromatic combinations, which offer greater adaptability to the environment where they are implanted and multiply the uniqueness of each park.

From a simple game structure to a complex one, Vibe is a studied and complete combination of stimuli and activities for children to develop their physical and mental abilities.